The elders’ errors tenaciously persist. On the violin solo entry in Mozart’s D-major Violin Concerto, K. 218

Mozart, Violin Concerto D-major, K. 218,
ed. by Ferdinand David,
A-Sm Rara 218/5

As Urtext editors, we could sometimes despair: we’re offering the music world a reliable music text, but those for whom all our work is devoted go on ignoring the new findings in their playing and teaching.

You’d like an example? I recently heard a young, very talented Korean violinist play Mozart’s D-major Concerto, K. 218 (HN 680). Apart from the fact that he unfortunately dispensed with the ‘common sense’ standard, at least in historically informed performance practice, of playing the tutti passages and conducting the orchestra as primarius, we heard in detail all those little note errors and subjective editorial additions ultimately going back to Ferdinand David’s first edition of 1865. Continue reading

Posted in arrangement, articulation, autograph, dynamics, first edition, Monday Postings, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Urtext, variant reading, violin + orchestra | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Arnold Schönberg on his 150th birthday – the truth in the music (and in the edition)

For me, this Arnold Schönberg quotation expresses the composer’s attitude towards music – not just towards his own, but towards music in general. The seriousness with which he was striving for truth in music is without parallel. The fact that this attitude also meant a certain lack of compromise will be further discussed below…

In a few days the world will be celebrating Arnold Schönberg’s 150th birthday – and the G. Henle publishing house will of course also be joining the celebration! Reason enough to pause for a moment to highlight Schönberg’s significance for our catalogue. Continue reading

Posted in Monday Postings, notation, piano solo, Schoenberg, Arnold, Urtext | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

If we hadn’t had the chance… the rediscovery of a new Prokofiev source

Fans of so-called ‘true crime’ formats, reporting, that is, about real criminal cases, know only too well what a major role chance plays in solving crimes. Clues leading nowhere are followed for weeks or months – but then a cross-connection emerges that becomes a hot lead. Or when witnesses are re-questioned, a previously unknown or unnoticed detail turns up, shedding new light on the course of events. In any case, there is often talk of ‘Inspector Fortuity’ when it comes to the breakthrough in solving a criminal case. Although the Henle editorial team’s source research cannot be compared with detective investigations, there are contact points in that sometimes a detective instinct is needed to make the decisive query. Or even – and this is what we’ll be discussing below – Inspector Fortuity is deployed. Continue reading

Posted in engraver’s copy, Monday Postings, new source, piano + violin, Prokofiev, Sergei | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Summer break

Summer is here and our composers need a short break!

Here, for example, Sergei Rachmaninoff, recovering from his strenuous anniversary year in 2023, is on a boat tour of Lake Lucerne, together with daughters Tatiana and Irina. Continue reading

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Once again, a tight squeeze – the joy and sorrow of the Urtext cover

If you quickly want to describe a Henle edition, one sentence is enough: it is the pigeon-blue music score, showing on the cover merely composer and title without any ornamentation. For where other publishing houses employ a large graphics department and select the most diverse fonts, designs and illustrations for different composers, eras or scorings, or at least vary the colour of the card stock cover, holding sway at Henle are the strict rules of B&B: blue cover stock and Bodoni font. Can a blog post be written about something like that? Of course! For first of all, knowing where this minimalist design originated is of interest, and then we editors can tell you a thing or two about how difficult it sometimes really is, to say everything in the few lines stipulated by our strict layout – or at least enough to make the content instantly recognisable. Continue reading

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Sergei Rachmaninoff’s 3rd piano concerto – extraordinary works involve extraordinary solutions

First edition, A. Gutheil, reprint

Probably no other work in recent years has brought us so many enquiries from musicians, customers and dealers as to when the Henle edition will finally be published…. We are speaking, of course, about one of the greatest ‘warhorses’ in piano history, Sergei Rachmaninoff’s 3rd piano concerto in D minor op. 30.

The monumental concerto’s edition of 1162 bars took quite a while to achieve, but our Urtext piano-score edition (HN 1452) has now been on the market since August 2023 – high time for a short tour of its extraordinary features! Continue reading

Posted in App, autograph, Fingering, first edition, Henle Library, Monday Postings, piano + orchestra, Rachmaninoff, Sergei | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

On Mozart’s ‘second naïveté’ (Alfred Einstein)

Alfred Einstein
*1880 München – †1952 El Cerrito
© Smith College Archives

I can’t recall when I first read Alfred Einstein’s Mozart biography.[i] Most probably during my first semester in Munich at Ludwig Maximilian University’s Musicology Institute, in the very same rooms where Alfred Einstein had also studied musicology about 80 years before me. As a Jew, he had to flee Munich with his family at the end of the 1930s and emigrate. I found on the Internet a moving biographical memoir by Einstein’s daughter Eva. The Mozart biography is dedicated to her, as well as to Einstein’s wife Hertha and his sister Bertha: ‘To My Three Ladies’ is the Mozartian title on the frontispiece. Continue reading

Posted in Monday Postings, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, piano + orchestra | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Schönberg’s “Verklärte Nacht” in a special kind of Urtext edition

Arnold Schönberg’s 150th birthday is duly being celebrated by Henle: Promptly scheduled to start the year is one of his most popular works, Verklärte Nacht (Transfigured Night) for String Sextet (HN 1565), now also finally published in a blue Urtext cover. Assisting me with this edition project has been one of the Schönberg specialists par excellence, Henk Guittart, violist of the former Schönberg Quartet, who has also conducted many performances of Verklärte Nacht. Even before I had begun work on the edition, he had already presented me with long lists of questions and corrections to the score resulting from his decades of familiarity with the work. We then exchanged over the past year countless emails reflecting on the source situation in general and on many score details in particular – because it was precisely in this area of tension between fidelity to the sources and practicability that we had to create a music text not only fulfilling the Urtext criteria but also providing performers with an optimal basis for making music. In the following interview we look back at why this was not so easy. Continue reading

Posted in App, chamber orchestra, Digital, Henle Library, Instrumentation, Monday Postings, Schoenberg, Arnold, string sextet, variant reading, versions | Leave a comment

Elgar’s Serenade for Strings: spring sunshine garbed in Henle Urtext. Interview with Rupert Marshall-Luck

The start of 2024 is a special moment for the G. Henle publishing house, as we have just added to our catalogue a new programme segment: Music for Chamber Orchestra. In our programme we already had orchestral works and sometimes even performance material coming from various contexts, partly via our complete editions, partly pertaining to works performed as chamber and/or ‘choral’ music (such as Mozart’s ‘Kleine Nachtmusik’). Continue reading

Posted in autograph, Elgar, Edward, first edition, Monday Postings, notation, string orchestra, Urtext, variant reading | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Waiting can be worthwhile – On Maurice Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G major

Maurice Ravel (1875–1937)

At the outset the piano reduction of Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G major was on the Henle publishing-house wish list for drawing up a scheduling plan to publish in 2008 new Urtext editions of Ravel’s piano and chamber music works. Why 2008? Abolished in most countries as of 1 January 2008, 70 years after the composer’s death, was copyright protection, though still remaining in effect in France, granted as an extension of 6 years and 152 days for World War I and a further 8 years and 120 days for World War II. This would mean that Ravel’s works published after 31 December 1920 would not be free of protective rights until 1 May 2016, and those published before that date not until 29 September 2022. Continue reading

Posted in autograph, first edition, Monday Postings, new source, piano + orchestra, Ravel, Maurice, Urtext | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment