The animal world is also affected by Covid-19 and the resulting measures to contain the virus. Owing to the lockdown, zoos are closed to visitors. And what about the animals? They are simply bored.







Last fall, however, a strange incident occurred at Munich’s Hellabrunn Zoo. Word apparently got around that the G. Henle Verlag was holding a major casting call for animals.







‘At long last, another opportunity to be on the big stage!’, the zoo residents thought, for suddenly half the zoo was waiting in Forstenrieder Allee, ready to play a leading role in our Urtext edition “Le Carnaval des animaux” HN 939/9939.

We were astounded, for everyone from fowls to kangaroo had set forth, even the fish had broken out of the aquarium. The turtle, exhausted from the long journey, arrived just in time, whilst the swan detoured to ferry a hitchhiker over the Isar.

Well then, weren’t we really in an agony over choosing which animals would make it into the editorial department? After three days of the toughest selection process, the winners were finally confirmed, and we are pleased and proud to be able to present them to you today.








Special thanks go to Dorothea Flügel, who has drawn wonderful portraits in collaboration with the actors.


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One Response to »Carnival 2021: The zoo is attracting a lot of attention in the animal and music world«

  1. d4v1d says:

    We work so hard to become good (or in my case, mediocre) as musicians that we need reminders like this that it is also fun!

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