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Difficulty (Explanation)
Other titles of this difficulty
Methodical Sonatas
Sonata prima b minor TWV 41:h3
7 difficult
Sonata seconda c minor TWV 41:c3
6 medium
Sonata terza E major TWV 41:E5
7 difficult
Sonata quarta B flat major TWV 41:B5
6 medium
Sonata quinta d minor TWV 41:d2
7 difficult

About the Composer


Georg Philipp Telemann

One of the leading German composers of his day, particularly as regards his German-language operas as well. Also from his pen came an extremely large number of liturgical works (especially cantatas), which came about within the context of his appointments and the compositional duties associated with them.

1681Born in Magdeburg on March 14.
1701–05He studies law in Leipzig, but is active as a singer, librettist, and composer at the opera, and after 1702, also as its music director. He writes music for the St. Thomas Church and St. Nicholas Church. Founds a student Collegium Musicum.
1704Organist and music director at the New Church.
1705–08Court musical director in Sorau.
1708–12Music director in Eisenach; composition of liturgical cantatas, masses, as well as other sacred and secular vocal works, instrumental concerti, and sonatas.
1712–21City music director of Frankfurt am Main; composition of liturgical music and music director at the Church of the Discalced and the St. Catherine Church; reestablishment of the Collegium Musicum of the Frauenstein Society and thus the beginning of regular concert life in Frankfurt am Main.
1716Premiere in Frankfurt of his Brockes Passion.
1721Premiere in Hamburg of the opera “Der geduldige Socrates.” He becomes cantor at the Johanneum Latin school and music director of the city of Hamburg. The five main churches of Hamburg were thus under his musical direction. Composition of church cantatas, secular cantatas, “Captain’s Music,” instrumental music; establishment of a Collegium Musicum.
1722He assumes the musical directorship of the Oper am Gänsemarkt (until 1738) and composes a large number of theatrical works for Hamburg.
1725Premiere of the intermezzo “Die ungleiche Heirath oder das herrsch-süchtige Cammer-Mädgen” (‘Pimpinone’), which is still his most well-known work for the stage.
1728Premiere of “Die Last-tragende Liebe oder Emma und Eginhard,” the most important of his surviving Hamburg operas.
after 1755Composition of vocal works in collaboration with various poets.
1767Death in Hamburg on June 25.

© 2003, 2010 Philipp Reclam jun. GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart

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G. Henle Verlag

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G. Henle Verlag e.K.
Forstenrieder Allee 122
81476 München

In Tibia 3/2017 (S. 541) hatte ich Gelegenheit, Vol. I der Neuausgabe von Telemanns Methodischen Sonaten durch Wolfgang Kostujak im Henle Verlag zu besprechen. Der Schlussatz meiner begeisterten Rezension lautete: "Ich freue mich schon auf Vol. II!" Eben dieses Volume liegt jetzt vor mir und bestätigt, ohne dass ich die Details meines Textes hier wiederholen möchte, in allen Punkten meine Einschätzung von Vol. I! Wer eine mustergültig betreute praktische Ausgabe dieser Standardwerke des galanten Stils für Flöte bzw. Violine und B. c. sucht, ist hiermit bestens bedient und sollte sich auf jeden Fall beide Bände zulegen.

Tibia, 2018

Henle’s carefully detailed and generous text provides a flute/violin part with smaller figured continuo part underneath, separate basso continuo and basso (cello) parts, and a full score.

Stringendo, 2018



€41.00 available
Further editions of this title
Further editions of this title
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Flute Concerto d minor
Piano reduction, Urtext Edition, paperbound
HN 1207

€18.50 available

€18.50 available
Further editions of this title