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May 2024. We were able to see and hear the enthusiasm with which 200 young pianists from 27 different countries participated in the Henle Piano Competition. The young musicians played a piece by Frédéric Chopin.
We would like to thank all the girls and boys for their dedicated contributions that truly pleased us. The jury came together recently to watch, listen, discuss – and finally to make their decisions. Here are the winners:
Olivia Li, USA
1. Prize, 170 Euro
2. Prize, 120 Euro each
Miku Kikuchi, Japan
Hugo Selzer, Germany
3. Prize, 70 Euro each
Maksut Mukhitdin, Switzerland
Francis Skirtich, USA
Additional prizes (Henle Urtext editions)
without ranking were awarded to the following participants (in alphabetical order)
Leah Feng, New Zealand
Aiden Gao, New Zealand
Elena Nien, USA
Elfie Tong, Singapore
Soho Park, United Kingdom
1. Prize, 200 Euro
2. Prize, 140 Euro
Akin Nilphairojana, Thailand
3. Prize, 80 Euro each
Ruri Koyama, Japan
Adrian Tai, United Kingdom
Additional prizes (Henle Urtext editions)
without ranking were awarded to the following participants (in alphabetical order)
Clara Chen, USA
Thaksaphan Phattanakietchai, Thailand
Chloe K. Wang, USA
Katherine Xia, USA
Alice Yang, Canada
Yudi Zheng, Germany
Tingxi Zhu, USA
Adalynn Viktoria Du-Buk, United Kingdom
1. Prize, 220 Euro
Angela Jiang, USA
1. Prize, 220 Euro
2. Prize, 150 Euro each
Elizabeth Levine, USA
Claire Li, USA
3. Prize, 90 Euro each
Yishi Huang, Germany
Ara Lee, South Korea
Additional prizes (Henle Urtext editions)
without ranking were awarded to the following participants (in alphabetical order)
Yulianna Beziazychna, Netherlands
Teeramet Boonkobkaew, Thailand
Venus Chau, Macao
Veronika Grishechkina, Germany
Hitono Keizaki, Japan
Clive Terrence Wijaya, Indonesia
Samuel Yuan, New Zealand
Maximilian Hongcheng Zhu, Germany
The contributions of all participants can be viewed on the Henle YouTube-Channel. They appear in the order of submission and by age group.
The 1.–3. prize winners receive money gifts and a Henle Urtext edition. All other winners are awarded a Henle Urtext edition.
Congratulations to all winners! The 14. Henle Piano Competition will start in January 2025!