Browse through our catalogue of music for Piano solo, for Violin, for Flute and for Violoncello according to level of difficulty.
Click on 'easy', 'medium' or 'difficult' and then refine your search even further.
All Henle Urtext editions that have the required level of difficulty or that contain individual titles (e.g. individual pieces) with the required level of difficulty will then be displayed.
You will find a guide to the levels of difficulty here here here here
July 2024. It is with great enthusiasm that we announce our partnership with Lang Lang Music World in Shanghai as they build their own Henle Library. This means that teachers and students will now have access to our Urtext editions for their lessons and studies.
We hope that our Urtext editions will inspire and guide students in their musical journey, and support teachers in their teachings.
Thank you again to Lang Lang Music World for this initiative, and we are excited for what the future holds for our partnership.
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Lang Lang Music World