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Studies for Pedalpiano op. 56
Sketches for Pedalpiano op. 58
6 Fugues on BACH for Organ or Pedalpiano op. 60

About the Composer


Robert Schumann

Connected with his oeuvre is the term he coined, Poetic Music, with which he strove for a fusion of literature and music, a paradigm particularly seen in his lyric piano pieces prior to 1839. Thereafter he devoted himself to other genres (song, symphony, chamber music, among others).

1810Born in Zwickau on June 8, the son of a bookdealer.
from 1828Studies law in Leipzig, piano with Friedrich Wieck. Decision to pursue a career in music.
1830–39He exclusively composes piano works, mostly cycles, including “Papillons,” Op. 2 (1829–32); “Carnaval,” Op 9 (1834/35); “Davidsbündlertänze,” Op. 6 (1837); “Kinderszenen” (“Scenes from Childhood”), Op. 15 (1837/38); “Kreisleriana,” Op. 16 (1838); “Noveletten,” Op. 21 (1838).
1832A paralysis of a finger in his right hand makes a career as a pianist impossible. Founding in 1833 of the fantasy brotherhood the “Davidsbund” (“League of David”).
1835–44Editor of the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (New Journal of Music).
1840Marriage to Clara Wieck; 138 songs, including the Eichendorff Liederkreis, Op. 39; the song cycle “Dichterliebe,” Op. 48
1841Symphony No. 1 in B-flat major (“Spring” Symphony), Op. 38, and Symphony No. 4 in D minor, Op. 120.
1842Three string quartets, Op. 41; further chamber music.
1843Teacher of composition at the Leipzig Conservatory. Oratorio “Paradise and the Peri,” Op. 50.
1845He settles in Dresden. Journey to Russia.
1845Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 54, Symphony No. 2 in C major, Op. 61.
1850City music director in Düsseldorf. Premiere in Leipzig of his opera “Genoveva,” Op. 81. Symphony in E-flat major (“Rhenish”), Op. 97; Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. 129.
1853Beginning of his friendship with Brahms. Completion of the Scenes from Faust. Violin Concerto in D minor for Joseph Joachim.
1854Suicide attempt and admission to the psychiatric institution in Endenich, near Bonn.
1856Death in Endenich on July 29.

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Joseph Haydn Organ Concerto C major Hob. XVIII:10 (First Edition)
Editor: Horst Walter
Violin 2, Urtext Edition, stapled
HN 313

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