Browse through our catalogue of music for Piano solo, for Violin, for Flute and for Violoncello according to level of difficulty.
Click on 'easy', 'medium' or 'difficult' and then refine your search even further.
All Henle Urtext editions that have the required level of difficulty or that contain individual titles (e.g. individual pieces) with the required level of difficulty will then be displayed.
You will find a guide to the levels of difficulty here here here here
The competition is open to all pianists aged between six and eleven. Age is defined as the entering pianist’s age on the day of submitting the application. Henle reserves the right to ask for written proof of age from the participant’s parent or guardian.
This competition is not open to employees, owners, editors and authors of G. Henle Publishers or their relatives. Relatives and students of the jurors are also barred from participating. There is no right of appeal.
The compulsory piece for all age groups is any one (and only one) chosen piece from the Henle volume “Piano Album”.
Piano Album » HN 1750
You may also play from other Henle editions, as long as the chosen piece is also contained in HN 1750 "Piano Album".
If you use a tablet to play from the Henle Library App your contribution will also be valid.
You may either play from memory, from a Henle Urtext edition, or on your tablet from the » Henle Library App.
Music books from other publishers are not allowed and result in disqualification. Also, photocopies – even photocopies out of Henle editions – or print-outs from the Henle Library App are not allowed. You are not allowed to play from loose pages. Any breach of these rules and guidelines leads to disqualification.
Entry is limited to one per person. Should the same pianist submit more than one recording, all of his/her entries will be disqualified.
The video is to be posted at by the participant’s parent or teacher. Following this, the pianist and a parent or guardian are to fill out and submit the online entry form that can be found further down on this page.
The Henle piano competition solely takes place in the form of video entries that are posted in an accessible YouTube channel by the participant, and are then added to the Henle Playlist at by Henle.
Other entries or entries on other media are not permitted.
Entry to the Henle Piano Competition is free-of-charge.
Age group 1 (6 to 7 years)
1st prize: 170 € and a Henle Urtext edition
2nd prize: 120 € and a Henle Urtext edition
3rd prize: 70 € and a Henle Urtext edition
4th to 10th prize: each person will receive a Henle Urtext edition
Age group 2 (8 to 9 years)
1st prize: 200 € and a Henle Urtext edition
2nd prize: 140 € and a Henle Urtext edition
3rd prize: 80 € and a Henle Urtext edition
4th to 10th prize: each person will receive a Henle Urtext edition
Age group 3 (10 to 11 years)
1st prize: 220 € and a Henle Urtext edition
2nd prize: 150 € and a Henle Urtext edition
3rd prize: 90 € and a Henle Urtext edition
4th to 10th prize: each person will receive a Henle Urtext edition
The Henle Urtext editions are each worth about 25 €. If wished, the prizes can also be awarded as credit vouchers to be redeemed in the Henle Library App (250 credit points). Each participant will receive a certificate.
The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
The completed online entry form must be received by 23:59 Central European Summer Time (CEST) on April 28, 2025.
The names of the winners will be posted on our website approximately three weeks after the closing date.
We have endeavoured to address all of the important issues in these official rules and guidelines. Should you still have any pressing questions regarding the competition, please send an email to
G. Henle Verlag
Forstenrieder Allee 122
81476 München
phone: +49(0)89-75982-42
G. Henle Verlag e.K., München
Amtsgericht München, Handelsregister A Nr. 08 808 USt-IdNr. DE 129521149