Browse through our catalogue of music for Piano solo, for Violin, for Flute and for Violoncello according to level of difficulty.
Click on 'easy', 'medium' or 'difficult' and then refine your search even further.
All Henle Urtext editions that have the required level of difficulty or that contain individual titles (e.g. individual pieces) with the required level of difficulty will then be displayed.
You will find a guide to the levels of difficulty here here here here
We are particularly proud of our engraving. In fact we make the claim that Henle Urtext offers the finest and best engraving in the world, a claim that is supported by many musicians:
We are, of course, delighted to receive so much praise because we do indeed invest a great deal in our music engraving. The result is without equal. Only a few selected music engravers are allowed to work for us. Up to 1999, most of the Urtext editions in our programme were engraved by hand, using traditional metal plate engraving techniques.
If you are interested in learning more about the fascinating, but sadly no longer practised, art of metal plate engraving, please watch our informative films on this topic:
Film 1
was produced for the US organisation NAMM at the Henle head office in Munich and directed by Martin Marris (Boston). It was released in August 2011. It lasts 11'31'' minutes and is in both German and English.
Film 2
was produced in 1997 by Anne-Liese Bente (Munich), mainly in the (today no longer extant) engraving department of the Universitätsdruckerei Stürtz. It lasts 7'42'' minutes and is available in German, English, French and Japanese.
You can also purchase original engraving plates; please send an email to: