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You will find a guide to the levels of difficulty here here here here
August 2024. Starting in 2024, the Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V. (Association of Arts and Culture in the Federation of German Industries e.V.) and G. Henle Publishers are linked through a sponsoring partnership at whose centre is the “Kulturkreis Tournee”.
The young musicians who make it through the selection process will be given the opportunity to perform at renowned festivals such as the Beethovenfest Bonn, the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festival, the Rheingau Musik Festival, the Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspielen, the Heidelberger Frühling or the Lucerne Festival as part of the tour.
This prize provides powerful support at the beginning of their musical career and is aimed at exceptional talents with clear potential for a successful career. It enables the musicians to gain a range of experiences on stage – from experimental performances to large-scale solo concerts with orchestral accompaniment.
The Kulturkreis Tournee is sponsored by G. Henle Publishers, the Peter Klöckner Foundation as well as Dr. Arend Oetker.