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You will find a guide to the levels of difficulty here here here here
December 2024. We proudly announce the upcoming 2nd Henle Masterclass at Schloss Fürstenried!
Following the success of our Beethoven masterclass in 2022, our focus will now be on the French composer Maurice Ravel, as we prepare to celebrate his 150th birthday in 2025. This course, exclusively sponsored by G. Henle Publishers, is dedicated to young professional pianists who wish to receive advice and guidance from Maestro Pierre-Laurent Aimard, one of the world’s leading interpreters of Maurice Ravel’s music.
The masterclass will be uniquely enhanced by workshop sessions with Stefan Knüpfer, one of Europe’s most experienced and sought-after piano technicians.
Application is open from now on until February 15th, 2025. More information can be found here: