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String Quartet no. 2 op. 15



Alexander Zemlinsky

One of the most important conductors and composers of opera in the first third of the twentieth century, who attained the recognition he deserved only in the 1970s.

1871Born in Vienna on October 14. Piano instruction beginning at age 4.
1884–92Education at the Conservatory of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Society of Friends of Music) in Vienna. Early chamber music in the style of Brahms.
1895/96Founder and director of the amateur orchestra “Polyhymnia,” where he meets Schönberg; beginning of their friendship, though he does not pursue the path to atonality and later criticizes Schönberg’s twelve-tone technique.
1900–03Principal conductor at the Carltheater in Vienna.
from 1903Instructor at the Schwarzwald school, where he teaches Berg, Horwitz, Jalowetz, E. Stein, and Webern.
1904–06Composition of the opera “Der Traumgörge” (“Görge the Dreamer”).
1904–11Music director of the Vienna Volksoper.
1907Conductor at the Vienna Court Opera.
1910Premiere in Vienna of his opera “Kleider machen Leute” (“Clothes Make the Man”).
1911–27Kapellmeister at the German Theater in Prague. Engaged as instructor at the German Academy for Music and Fine Arts, as rector after 1920. Composition of the String Quartet No. 2; the Lyric Symphony, Op. 18 (1922/23); the “Six Maeterlinck Songs,” Op. 13 (1910/1913); and the Wilde operas “Eine florentinische Tragödie” (“A Florentine Tragedy,” premiere 1917) and “Der Zwerg” (“The Dwarf,” premiere 1922).
1927–30First Kapellmeister at the Berlin Kroll Opera under Klemperer. Engaged as instructor at the Academy of Arts (choral class).
1933Premiere in Zurich of the opera “Der Kreidekreis” (“The Chalk Circle”). Return to Vienna because of the Nazi regime.
1934Songs, Op. 22, on poems by Morgenstern and Goethe. Political circumstances prevent his engagements; contracts previously signed are nullified on account of his Jewish heritage.
1935–38Composition of the opera “Der König Kandaules” (“King Kandaules”), which remained unfinished (premiere in 1996, completed by A. Beaumont).
1938Emigration to the United States.
1942Death in New York on March 15.

© 2003, 2010 Philipp Reclam jun. GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart


Dominik Rahmer (校訂)

Dr. Dominik Rahmer, born in 1971 in Mainz, studied musicology, philosophy and maths in Bonn. He did his Magister Artium in 1999 and his doctorate in 2006 with a thesis on the music criticism of Paul Dukas.

From 2001 to 2011 he was employed at Boosey & Hawkes/Bote & Bock in Berlin, where he also worked on the Critical Edition of the Works of Jacques Offenbach (OEK). Since 2011 he has been an editor at G. Henle Publishers in Munich, with a particular focus on French and Russian music and works for wind instruments.

De vermakelijke inleiding, die de moeizame uitvoeringsgeschiedenis van het werk en de band tussen Zemlinsky en Schönberg beschrijft het keurige commentaar en de helemaal achterin verstopte woordenlijst completeren deze moeilijk op onnauwkeurigheden te betrappen editie.

de nieuwe muze, 2021

Well done to Henle for producing a beautiful copy of this neglected work.

Stringendo, 2021

Neben dieser längst fälligen inhaltlichen Angleichung von Partitur und Stimmen hat der Herausgeber auch Metronomangaben ergänzt, die nicht aus musikalischen Quellen stammen, sondern dem Briefwechsel zwischen Zemlinsky und Anton Webern entnommen wurden. ... Diese für die interpretatorische Auseinandersetzung mit der anspruchsvollen Komposition äußerst hilfreiche Ergänzung verweist auf eine Orientierung an den Anforderungen der Praxis, die sich auch im sorgfältig gesetzten Notentext des Stimmenmaterials spiegelt: Durch Integration sowohl von ausklappbaren als auch von unbedruckt bleibenden Seiten konnte durchgehend eine sinnvolle Anordnung von Wendestellen erreicht werden, die zusätzlich durch Integration von Stichnoten unterstützt wird.

das Orchester, 2021



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